German’s major automakers were accused in a U.S. lawsuit of acting as a cartel, colluding for nearly two decades to limit the pace of technological advances in their vehicles and stifle competition -- allegations that widen the scope of the latest scandal
MEXICO CITY — President Donald Trump has made an example out of global automakers that produce in Mexico for the U.S. But auto parts makers south of the border also have a huge financial stake in the upcoming trade talks.
As the original office address Rm. 2202, No.9 Huachang Rd., Shanghai 200081 China is to be renovated, the Company changes its office address on 13th, June 2017 to the new address.
Stuttgart – Bosch intends to acquire all shares in the Italian company Albertini Cesare S.p.A. Albertini is a manufacturer of die-cast aluminum and produces cast housings primarily for the automotive industry, including for electric steering systems.